How to Get in touch:

0800 024 8769

We are conveniently located 6 minutes from Uxbridge Tube and Bus Station, which is serviced by the Piccadilly and Metropolitan Lines  - 40 minutes from Central London.

Psychiatric Support Services LTD
Regus House
UB8 1HR. 

(Opposite Bucks New University) 

Please contact us first to arrange an appointment, using the contact form.

We welcome your feedback!

We value the feedback of both staff and clients, "A complaint is a Gift" is an adage we firmly believe in.

If you have an issue, or any concerns you would like us to look at, or explore, or simply any suggestions that would enable us to improve our website or service  please direct them to -

We have a complaints policy that we adhere to, and can be accessed here.

Just to let you know... before you go...

Our web address, and email addresses are considered quite long by some people (who would have imagined) - to avoid wearing out your keyboard, you could use the following to reach us:

These extensions can be used for our email addresses as well (eg



Thanks for your time! 

We look forward to hearing from you!